Propaganda und Widerstand

Excerpts in English

From: Miriam Y. Arani: Fotografische Selbst- und Fremdbilder von Deutschen und Polen im Reichsgau Wartheland 1939–1945. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Region Wielkopolska, Hamburg 2008.

Overview > Contents

From Chapter II. Methods and Findings:

Page 67-69, Methods of source criticism of historical photographic images >

From Chapter III. National Socialist Press Control [Presselenkung] and Photographic Publicity:

Page 224, Press Photography in the Context of National Socialist Propaganda Means in the Reichsgau Wartheland >

Page 225-226 >

Page 226-229 >

Page 229-230, >

From Chapter IV. The Change of the Production Conditions of Photographs for Poles through the Occupation Policy in the Territory of the Reichsgau Wartheland 1939-1945:

436-438 and 440-441, from chapter IV, expropriation and the ban to own cameras >

From Chapter V.: Institutional producers of photographs > 1. Police and photography > d. Photographs of persons for identification purposes:

Page 540-544, Photographs in card indexes and collections of the Gestapo I: German resistance >

From Chapter VI: Polish Authors, Collectors and Distributors of Photographs between Adaptation, Self-Assertion and Resistance

Page 625-629, from chapter VI: Polish Authors, Collectors and Distributors of Photographs between Adaptation, Self-Assertion and Resistance >

Page 729-752, from chapter VI: 3. photography in the Polish resistance in the Reichsgau Wartheland (720) […] culture and education (729); Polish resistance to Nazi educational policy (735); the destruction of Polish books (743); documentation and foreign information (747) >

Gita-Palang’s translations of text materials by Miriam will be collected in the Tierautonomie series:

National Socialist Racism and Genocide; Photographic Sociology and Research Methodology by Miriam Y. Arani

Tierautonomie, Jg. 9 (2023), Heft 1.
Yegane Arani, Gita Marta, ed. (2023). Series: National Socialist Racism and Genocide; Photographic Sociology and Research Methodology by Miriam Y. Arani (1)
PDF > >

Tierautonomie, Jg. 9 (2023), Heft 3.
Yegane Arani, Gita Marta, ed. (2023). Series: National Socialist Racism and Genocide; Photographic Sociology and Research Methodology by Miriam Y. Arani (2)
PDF > >