Propaganda und Widerstand

Rigthfully murder does not have a statute of limitations

In order to clarify the facts in the interest of a commemorative civil society, especially because of the victims and their relatives, the investigation and reappraisal processes cannot end. In whose interest would an end be? For this reason, murder is not subject to the statute of limitations. “There is no statute of limitations for the mass murders during the Nazi regime. This was originally supposed to end already 50 years ago. But on March 10, 1965, there was a remarkable debate in the German Bundestag about the extension of the deadline, the Nazi crimes and the responsibility of the Germans.” Info on DLF Kultur (2015) about the decision that murder cannot be time-barred (access 22.02.23)

Zur Klärung der Sachverhalte im Interesse einer gedenkenden Zivilgesellschaft, insbesondere wegen der Opfer u. ihrer Angehörigen, können Aufarbeitungsprozesse nunmal nicht enden. In wessen Interesse läge eine Beendigung? Aus dem Grund verjährt Mord nicht, Info auf DLF Kultur (2015) über den Entscheid dass Mord nicht verjähren kann (access 22.02.23)

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