Propaganda und Widerstand

Photo-historical research on the National Socialist dictatorship as an interdisciplinary visual science

Übersetzung von: Miriam Y. Arani, Die fotohistorische Forschung zur NS-Diktatur als interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, in: Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History 5…

Page 729-752, from chapter VI: Polish Authors, Collectors and Distributors of Photographs between Adaptation, Self-Assertion and Resistance

Page 729-752 > access to source at the UDK > Teilband 2 > Link Translation of contents with the friendly…

Page 625-629, from chapter VI: Polish Authors, Collectors and Distributors of Photographs between Adaptation, Self-Assertion and Resistance

Page 625-629 > access to source at the UDK > Teilband 2 > Link Translation of contents with the friendly…